Google: ‘Ridiculous and arrogant’, according to China

In a fresh battle between the Superpowers, China have accused Google of being linked to US intelligence and branded them ‘arrogant’.

As seen here and here, much of this blog has been focussed on China’s internet regulation, and has touched on the current battle with Google.

Two months after Google declared it would no longer comply with Chinese filtering rules, the government shows no signs of backing away from its position, sending one message to the internet giant:  follow the law, or get out.


Google have refused to comment thus far, but Chinese media outlets have been much less reserved.

One paper has suggested Google has links with US intelligence, whilst another has said an announcement will be made tomorrow that the search engine will announce plans to close its services in China on April 10th.

Check out the full article, it makes for some interesting reading. But just to wet your appetite …

“Maybe Google is preparing to retreat, and maybe it is still hesitating. But one thing is clear: China won’t let its regulations or laws bend to any companies’ threats.”

“It is ridiculous and arrogant for an American company to attempt to change China’s laws. The country doesn’t need a politicized Google or Google’s politics.”


  1. […] heavily in my blog posts throughout this exercise, particularly in relation to recent legal cases in China and Italy. I questioned whether this marked the demise of Google –  but being a multi-billionaire […]

  2. […] a whole range of human rights and freedom of expression issues come to the surface, as Chris and Rosie have highlighted with reference to China in particular. As Rosie says, China demonstrates […]

  3. US Intelligence….this whole situation could actually turnout to be alot more interesting/critical than it already is…..

    Is the next cold war going to be fought on the internet between google and china?

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